The study assessed the Students’ Prevailing Indiscipline and Management of Indiscipline in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Kano State, Nigeira. The study was carried out with five objectives among which are to: determine the Prevailing Indiscipline behaviours in the Classroom among Students in Secondary Schools in Kano State, determine the Prevailing Indiscipline behaviours in the School Premises among Students in Secondary Schools in Kano State and to investigate the Techniques for Management of Indiscipline behaviours among Students in Secondary Schools in Kano State, Nigeria. Also, five corresponding research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study. Related literatures was reviewed in relation to the objectives the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of 545 principals, 7513 teachers and 2180 PTA officials in public senior secondary schools in Kano state. A sample size of 29 principals, 310 teachers and 56 Parents Teachers Association (PTA) officials was used for the study. These sample size was arrived at using stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques. A researcher-made instrument titled “Questionnaire on Indiscipline and Management of Indiscipline in Secondary Schools” was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was validated by the researcher’s supervisors. Data collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The five null hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that examination malpractice, noise making, lateness to class and moving around the class for no reason were the prevailing indiscipline behaviours in the classroom among students in secondary schools in Kano state. The findings also revealed that wastage of water, possession and use of cell phones, writing graffiti on school buildings and poor response to bells were the prevailing indiscipline behaviours in the school premises among students in secondary schools in Kano state. The findings revealed that absenteeism, fighting, cheating, lateness to class and bullying were prevailing indiscipline behaviours among male students in secondary school in Kano state. The findings also revealed that coming to class with facial make-up, profanity, lying, backbiting, reading love story books during lessons and chewing gum in class were prevailing indiscipline behaviours among female students in secondary schools in Kano state. The findings revealed that suspension, corporal punishment, discussion with parents, guidance and counseling, grass cutting and writing undertaking to be of good character by student, provision and maintenance of health and welfare facilities and provision and maintenance of games and recreational facilities were techniques for management of indiscipline among students in secondary schools in Kano state, Nigeria. Recommendations were made among which are Teachers should work together with other staff to supervise students during examinations to reduce examination malpractice. They should also make the classroom more interesting so that the students attend class punctually and avoid unnecessary movement in class, School administrators should work together with teachers, prefects and non academic staff to supervise the activities of students in the school premises in an effort to ensure that students do not waste water, write graffiti on walls and respond to bell promptly. School should work with other staff in searching and ceasing of cell phones from students, and all techniques used in managing indiscipline in schools are in order but must be used with caution, consideration to due process and legal regions. These will enhance more commitment and interest in maintaining discipline in secondary schools in Kano state, Nigeria
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